nixos Featured Cloudy NixOS (OpenStack) Recently, I decided to go down the journey of running things with NixOS. While I started with my laptop, I naturally decided to make my workspace problems part of my cloud adventure. So I figured I'd share my adventure along with my initial process for getting NixOS into
cloud Featured Confessions of a Cloud Someone Save Us from Our Cloudy Judgments Here I am, sitting before a digital abyss, armed with nothing but a questionable sense of humor and journaling (yes with real paper, you wouldn't understand). I've been reading a lot lately and thinking about my life choices. Sadly,
openstack Featured New Game Plus - Resurgence: (re)taking the cloud by storm It's been a couple months, so I'm checking in to talk about how NG+ at Rackspace has been going, things I've learned, where some issues have been, and alluding to where we're going as this next chapter gets underway. * Yes, the cloud
openstack Featured OpenStack Bulk Job Runner As OpenStack projects grow its likely that a given project will spawn several repositories and will share code snippets across them. If you're ever in need of updating a mess of repositories all at the same time these steps, and linked script, can help you identify all repositories
rackspace Getting access to a telnet console on IPv6 Within the OpenStack infra system we're now seeing gate jobs run on clouds using IPv6 as the public interface; The Rackspace and Intel cloud (OSIC) is one such environment. This means that if you're like me, you watch the gate like a crazy person, and you&